New Dungeon was a first-person dungeon crawler game engine that my dad wrote in the early 1990s, probably starting in 1993.
Before 'New Dungeon' there had been Dungeon, a top-down maze game with primitive 16-color graphics.
Between Dungeon and New Dungeon, we went to the game store at West Town and bought FRUA, which I thought was pretty neat (despite the screwy perspective / "bad graphics") and spent a lot of time horsing around in, though I never made any complete games with it.
I think that FRUA inspired Dad to try and program something similar, though he probably also drew inspiration from Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder.
I first became aware of the project when I noticed that Dad was using what looked like the graphics editor he had made for Dungeon tiles to edit a much larger image. I asked what that was about and I think he told me that he was working on a first-person dungeon crawler, like Dungeon Master.
Random thoughts/memories; TODO: flesh out - at moon beach while dad works on it - REDBRICK, ICEBRICK, stair and ladder textures, I think he made, and those textures got me PUMPED - flat walls like FRUA but we always tried to hide the flatness - walls could have decorations on them - unlike FRUA, main background texture flipped every step to give illusion of movement - I think floor and ceiling were configurable separately? - Fade-to-black or not was configurable per wall texture Stuff we made - My WOLF3D-inspired blue stone and Metrolpolis Zone-inspired 'fast pipes' that I don't think ever actually worked (maybe it would have used transporters) - Green color-cycled arrows like from BTTF, and that dream I had that ended in a control room - CHANS (a skeleton-chained-to-the-wall texture that Fizz made) - Doody, Mim, the glass maze that we made at my 10th birthday party - food fight rooms - Andy Pohl's almost-monochrome maze of unshaded olive green walls with "hand", "head", and "body" variants - I was like wtf because it seemed to random, but that was also cool. - I copied the style - My 'marble' wall, a bad imitation of the FRUA wall texture, which had an empty, columns-only variant. Unlike FRUA, ND didn't support 'overdraw', so it was a little weird. - My Sonic 2 Chemical Plant-inspired backrounds with the buildings drawn at a funky perspective that my dad didn't get - Sonic 3 Marble Garden Zone-inspired planet with its own pastel palette optimized for marbley / granitey walls; the thought of a certain shade of pink triggers a vague memory/feeling of making this, when the idea of a custom palette for a place seemed really neat. - Think Quick-inspired arrow blocks that I got to kinda-sorta work in a funky way, and my dad called it "clever", as in "it wasn't designed to do that, but you got it to work" - Lots of invisible teleporter mazes, designed to make it feel like the level had a weird topology connection with 5th grade 'bungalo' layout project; the feeling of making this tile-based 'open world' with open sky and a bunch of little buildings - 'test levels', where we were just demonstrating some engine feature, always seemed the most fun to work on Connection with that Epic_Island_Exploration_Dream - I don't think the dream was about ND specifically, Wanting to make a game where you eventually get a space ship and can fly off to other places, which I also wanted to do in LW. - Some inspiration from Ultima, I think Also wanting to make a game where you would see a comet in the sky, and if you didn't get to the space ship and leave the planet in time it would all blow up. - Similar to having to GTFO fom Air Fortress or Descent levels