'LW' was a game engine that my dad wrote inspired by Legacy of the Wizard in the late 1990s. It used the 640x480 16-color video mode, and didn't scroll very smoothly because it's hard to push pixels into video memory that fast.
TODO: Write more about what you did with it.
- 24x24 pixel tiles
- Originally 128x128 maps, but they later got expanded to 256x256
- Originally only the background was editable, so that's what I did for starters
- Forth interpreter
- Soundtrack: Whatever songs were playing on Z104 in 1997/1998
- My shiny blue blocks
- Making 'greenhouses' with blue sky/plant background and window blocks
- Screws (the heads blocked, but you could go behind the threads)
- Interestingly wrapped-around mazes
- Attempt to recreate Legacy of the Wizard world in it
- Still wanting to make that rocket that you'd leave on
- Dave Matthews - Wasting Time goes with a 'later' LW map I was working on where I was trying to actually put the Forth interpreter to use to do 'something interesting'. I don't remember exactly what that meant, but I may have had it build a bridge. Otherwise interaction with my levels was mostly flipping switches to open doors (which usually meant removing a purple block) or going through pipes (which were implemented as teleporters, but I liked to physically route the pipes around the level because it made things interesting).