date: 2007-01-03
subject: (parts of) last week in pictures
lj-entry-id: 706,191

(parts of) last week in pictures - 2007-01-03 - Entry 881 - TOGoS's Journal

After eating that chocolate yesterday everything felt like playing Unreal for the first time. All the lights were brighter and the roads and trees were shiny and pretty. The spaghetti my mom made for dinner was extra yummy. I went to Hawk's resuraunt because that's where the Hoofer meeting was being held, and I had to give Jack Bork another 70$. YC and I walked down to the capitol and I told her about my dreams.

Here are pictures from around last week.

Sweet tree that YC and I stopped by on our bike ride on Christmas eve:

Eating lunch:

Even the dumb place where I work looks cool through my new bike mirror (a Christmas present from YC):

And we stopped at the arboretum on the way back to finish lunch:

And back at home we had cheese and crackers for dinner:

Me making breakfast on Christmas:

Becky looking really bright because YC doesn't know how to use my camera:

Cool place by Lake Waubesa that I visited with Fizz and Julia:

Pretty floating ice:

More pretty ice that reminds me of Sonic 3: