date: 2006-06-28 9:51
subject: Figgering SSL certificates
lj-entry-id: 640,94

Figgering SSL certificates - 2006-06-28 9:51 - Entry 800 - TOGoS's Journal

I got in a fender-bender on Sunday while driving Shanie to our house and messed up the hood of our Geo :(

Night before last I had a dream that I was back in P-ville. Casey came to our house and we all went running.

This morning I had a dream that I was at a resturaunt with some friends. Holly was there, and either I went over or she came over and I started talking to her and she told me that her name had changed. It was now "Petunia" with some really wacky last name. I said "OK, well can I just keep calling you 'Holly'? 'Cause that's really weird.", and she said that would be fine.

The Fizz and folks and I then went off and did something involving spilling water in an elevator.

I also had a dream that Trent Reznor worked at Widen.

[18:14] BoxOfLAME: Conversation of the day:
[18:14] *** Auto-response from BoxOfDumb: doing something at a place
[18:14] BoxOfLAME: Guy: "So do you work here? I don't recognise you."
[18:14] BoxOfLAME: Uriah: "Well, work is a relative term..."
[18:14] BoxOfLAME: Guy: "Well do you have a chair and a computer upstairs?"
[18:31] BoxOfLAME: I wonder if you are getting rained on in Blue Mounds

Yay. The TomKH's site is back online.