current-videogame: Wild Arms (because Fizz recommended it)
date: 2006-06-20
current-thought: My hair is awesome. Oh, and I need to remember those
CDs for tomorrow.
subject: I kinda miss Ben, and am feeling a bit nostalgic about
lj-entry-id: 638,179
current-project: Working with Fizz to tie up Crapi 25 so we can
current-annoyance: Shift key on the old kybard is kinda sticky.

I kinda miss Ben, and am feeling a bit nostalgic about Platteville - 2006-06-20 - Entry 797 - TOGoS's Journal

College is starting to feel like it was a big dream. Or an event in another, totally separate parallel life, like those mission trips.

A benefit of all those years of school, I discovered, is that all those years of summer breaks have taught me than I don't actually get any more done when I have a big block of free time than I do while people are making me do stuff. This makes me not mind going to work so much.

Had some interesting dreams lately. In part of one (other parts having something to do with the south end of the basement) there was a train that Shanie and I commonly took to get to place. One day the engine exploded and killed Andrew Silbernogel (his mom was at our graduation party last weekend).

In part of another (other parts having something to do with the area behind the dorms, but the place was a dark, video-gamey version) I was super mad at this guy because he made Fizz and a big brown rat have a salsa-eating contest and the rat died and he thought it was funny. I was totally going to fight him.

I need to clean up this journal stuff sometime. Metadata implemented stupidly, etc.

* * *

OMFG I just found my YCM hat, 2 pencils, and a thing of dental floss in my couch! I wondered where that hat had gone.

New Track: Guardian (1.1)