date: 2003-02-14 (Saturday)
description: It's Valentines Day, and I'm Not Dead
lj-entry-id: 241,46

It's Valentines Day, and I'm Not Dead - 2003-02-14 (Saturday) - Entry 275 - TOGoS's Journal


Yesterday I played pretty well in Volleyball. I think that was the first time our team won. And out volleyball player wasn't even there.

Last night Adam and I watched GI-Joe. It was really cheesy.

I went to English and turned stuff in. The teacher made us write about what valentine's day meant to us, but then we didn't have to put our names on it. Later I went to Math and turned stuff in. And El Teacher talked.

Adam talked about how he wanted to go find girls, but I just wanted to go to dinner. I found Fizz and Ben and Andy, there. Fizz was laughing about something, but he didn't want to tell Andy what it was in front of me. They had cookies and frosting so I put some frosting on a cookie. Later they had rice crispy treats, and I put frosting on one of those. It turned out that when I had come to sit down, Fizz had been talking about me, and then he stopped, and Ben asked what he was talking about, and Fizz pointed at me, and as I sat down, Ben looked off to see what Fizz had been pointing at, but he didn't look at me. Someone mentioned that Fizz was going home. I said "You're going home?!", and that's what he had been talking about with Ben. So I said I wanted to go home with them.

So we all went to Ben's room for a little while (on the way I threw my banana peel off somewhere and it landed by an orange peel. I said they could be friends while they decomposed), and then I went to my room to get my stuff. I walked out the door to the parking lot, and a car was driving up. I thought "wouldn't that be crazy if that was Ben?". So I set my bag down and Ben got out of his car and I said "Oh". And went to put my stuff in the car. We went to get Fizz, and he was walking out just as we got there. We took his amplifier in, and he brought his stuff out. And we left. It was snowing, now. Ben had been worried about that when we were in his room. He wanted to know whow the weather would be. And it hadn't been snowing when we were going to Ben's room.

But we were driving off in Ben's car. I was in the back behind Ben, and Fizz was in the front passenger-side seat. Ben was playing some party-mix CD he had made. The first song was some System of a Down song. The second one (I think) was that "Mary, Mary" song from Stigmata. I asked Ben what it was because I hadn't been able to find it on KaZaA. He said it was called "Mary, Mary", it was by 'Chumbawumba', and it was the 'stigmatic' remix. I remembered the name "Chumbawumba" from something... I think they made that one "I get knocked down, but I get up again" song that they played on Z104 a long time ago, but I might be thinking about something else. Fizz asked me if I knew what movie it was from. He didn't seem to remember that I had been right there wathcing it with them. I reminded him that we had been eating popcorn. Then he seemed to rememeber.

I was thinking about what I would do if Ben died or somthing and lost control of the car. I'd grab the wheel or something. But that was a silly thing to think about.

Then there was some Deftones song on. It kind of reminded me of this one Deftones song that I had head while I was in Fizz's room once. I was asking about it. I knew that this wasn't it. The one I was thinking of had been sort of quiet and more melodic. It was weird. Ben insisted that this was it, but I knew it wasn't (he had just said to Fizz something like "let's just say this is it").

Sometime after that, when we were approaching Belmont, the car turned a funny way and I said to Ben, "What are you doing?". Then I realized it wasn't under his control. There was a semi truck coming down the road the other way, and we started spinning. We went right in front of the truck, and the car was spinning counter-clockwise, I think. The truck was coming at us from my right, then it was behind us, then it was about 10 feet to my left. The next thing I knew, the car was sitting in a driveway, facing outward, and the truck was zooming past.

Fizz wouldn't calm down. He kept yelling about how all the people who didn't stop were jerks. We drove down the road a ways to a gas station right on the corner where we would turn into Belmont. I got out and slid around a little bit. Fizz didn't want to go just yet. But the snow would only get worse. So we left. Ben was driving really slow. There was a big line of cars behind us. After we got onto the 4-lane highway, some idiot passed us on the right and Ben had a tantrum.

Later we got home. I snuck in the back, again. Ma has a fancy new computer (complete with a designer case) and a new haircut.