date: 2003-02-11
lj-entry-id: 240,121

2003-02-11 - Entry 273 - TOGoS's Journal

It was really nice out when I came out of gym at 3:00. It was snowing, but it wasn't too cold. It felt really nie on my legs. I came back to my room and was tired so went to sleep.

Bah. I slep from, like, 3:30 to 6:30. I missed the food at Glenspew that I actually liked. And I missed Frasier. Now I have to eat at the Stupid Center. I had some interesting dreams, though.

I want to be in the picture, too
Everyone can make their own salad
Adam re-arranges his side real nice
Fire poll,
computers in front of room,
Someone playing Mulker 4
Fizz comes to see me
use fire poll to get to room
"New Day"
In van,
water bottles

/me goes to PSC and gets pizza and comes back, talks to Fizz, talks to Pa, and continues to write doke.

When I went out to get my pizza it was all windy out. It was colder than it was earlier, but not too cold, at least for walking East. It was dark out, and the sky was clear except for some clouds in the south, so I could see the stars. Orion was up there.

Anyway, those dreams I had were interesting. There was one where I was standing around in the front yard with Ma and some friends. There was some old guy that was there to do something. They all had a piture taken of them, but I was over getting cheese or something. So then I wanted to be in the picture, too, and they had to do it again. But now the guy wasn't cutting our salad for us. I thought that was fine, because we could cut our own salad, but everyone else seemed to think that was a problem.

A lot of the dream took place in our room. It was a little larger than our room is, though. Instead of the hallway in front, though, there was a brightly lit room, and a bank of terminals up against the wall, except in front of the door. I think there was another bank of computers behind them, too. Because at one point I was trying to go back to my room but there were people sitting at the second bank, and I couldn't get through, so I just sat down at one of those machines...

       |    |______
       |           |
       |    pole   |
       |           |
       |     ______|
       |    |
       |    |
       |    |______________________________________
       |                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
       |        .......|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
       |       :                  _ _   _ _ _ _
       |     __:_________________|_|_| |_|_|_|_|__
       |    |                     ___| |___       |
       |    |                    |         |      |
                                 |         |
                                 |   our   |
                                 |   room  |
                                 |         |

There was a fire pole that went between 2 floors of the buidling. I don't remember if our room was on the bottom or the top, though. I think I remember using the pole to get to my floor, and to leave... One time I went down the pole, and at the bottom, when I went out of the roomlet that the pole was in, there was some sort of island in the middle of the hall, and another roomlet coming off the hall on the other side. The island had some teal boxes on it. And there was some lady behind it that couldn't see me, because she just happened to look in the wrong directions at the wrong times so I was always hidden by a box.

We both had brought a couch for our room. I brought the grey one from my room, and Adam's was cushier and maybe dark red or purple or blue. He brought all sorts of fancy stuff from his house, and made the room seem like home. He had a book shelf, and plants, and nice desks and stuff. It was really nice. My side of the room just had my computers. They were on the south end, uner my bed, though, and all Adam's stuff was on his side.

I became aware of some people celebrating 'New Day'. It was like new year, except they celebrated it every day. I guess time passed really slowly for them. I saw a picture where the sun was rising for them.

They were funny little creatures. Like some sort of moles or goblins or something. They were basically shaped like humans, but they were small and squishier. Then I was one of them. Then We were in the old van. Then we drove and parked in a spot. It was night, and we could see the stars. We almost hit a couple of ladies when we parked, but it was OK. We broke the water bottle that one of them had. But they didn't seem to mind. We got out and were laughing about stuff. There was still a little bit of water in part of the bottle, and I drank it. It was nice and cold. Then the lady said something abut "well my kid likes to go *squish squish* with his bottle." I wasn't sure what she was talking about. Then we related it to cows and tractors and that didn't make any sense.

Then I woke up and realized I had missed dinner.

I spent all night diddling PHP and writing this entry. So I guess my homework'll have to wait for tomorrow. It's 11:30 and Adam's not here, yet. Last night I almost fell asleep a few times but then Adam woke me up somehow.