date: 2024-09-29
subject: Fever, climbing over gridbeam tables
tags: fever-dreams, gridbeam-dreams

Fever, climbing over gridbeam tables - 2024-09-29 - TOGoS's Journal

I had a fever and Sara was sort-of taking care of me as I continued to try to either sleep or do work.

Meanwhile, the across-the-street neighbors were up to something vaguely suspicious (like moving out and being replaced with new neighbors, or having a landlord situation) so we were keeping an eye on them from our window.

Later in the dream Sara and Marilla had left, so I was at home alone. There was a lot of clutter piled everywhere and it was difficult to move through the living room. The method I settled on was to climb up and over some gridbeam tables that I had built. They were plenty sturdy, but could easily tip if I wasn't careful to keep my center of gravity over their base.