date: 2018-12-13
subject: Rojava Madison, mystery vacation, mumble nap

Rojava Madison, mystery vacation, mumble nap - 2018-12-13 - Entry 1610 - TOGoS's Journal

Rojava Madison

Rojava had taken over what used to be a farm field south of the Meadowood neighborhood. Somehow I ended up at the far end and was walking through. There was a guy driving around and yelling propaganda through a megaphone, which I thought was pretty cool. I walked north through the area and saw a lot of public housing, and then came out by some Madison apartment buildings. It wasn't a very long walk.

Mystery Vacation

I was at work and John Samuelson was saying something about there being work for me during my 'upcoming vacation', "but I know sometimes you have to take your vacation". I didn't know what vacation he was talking about. I didn't plans to take time off work.

Mumble Nap

Renee and I were on University Ave between Humanities and Vilas Hall and I did the thing where I ran across when she wasn't entirely ready and then she had to run to catch up and not get run over. Instead of the bike lane there was a grassy strip between the road and the sidewalk. "Hey it's spring!" I said. We sat down and I dozed off with my head in her lap. Jason showed up with some woman who I assumed he was dating and they sat with us. They and Renee were talking but I was too tired to be part of the conversation, or even make sense of what was being said, so I just layed there with my eyes closed, trying to take notes, which I could do because I had emacs running inside my head. But then I managed to lose the notes on the thing that had seemed important..