Horsemaster 2425 (0.9)
v0.7 tamed the kick drum slightly from what it was in v0.6, but it still clipped like crazy and sounded flubby on headphones. Since v0.7: - replaced master clipper with a color limiter - add a compressor after the kick - some tweaks to the bass sounds The difference is subtle but I think it sounds a bit cleaner, now.
Basic Info
Created | 2025-01-17 |
Length | 5:20 |
BPM | 120 |
Loopable | Yes |
Track Files
Flac | TOGoS-Horsemaster_2425.0.9.flac |
Ogg | TOGoS-Horsemaster_2425.0.9.q4.ogg |
Cover Art Files
TOGoS-Horsemaster_2425-cover-art-v1.0.jpg |
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