I've been composing music since 2002, when I discovered that I could plug my dad's CZ101 into my computer and record things in Jazz++ and render them using TiMidity. Since then I moved on to using Propellerhead Reason 2 and 3, Ableton Live 9, 10, 11, and 12, Reason 11, VCV Rack, and a few of my own custom-built plugins and tools.
Most of my tracks are in a sort of artsy slowed down trancy style influenced primarily by nothing in particular, and secondarily by Underworld, Nine Inch Nails, Way Out West, and assorted video game music. More recently I've noticed similarities between my style and that of some of Deadmau5's more experimental stuff, probably because we both like polymeters, catchy chords, fresh beats, and futuristic carnival vibes.
If you want machine-readable data, including SHA-1 URNs, check out music.txt.
You can download and distribute my music under the by-nc-sa CC license, or otherwise with permission.
You can buy TOGoS shirts from Zazzle: a spensive (dark), cheaper (light color), cheapest (white)
Various subsets of my songs have been uploaded to YouTube, Archive.org, Bandcamp, SoundCloud, and Spotify.
You can also play all these tracks in Playlister.