Be kind
Everyone's got troubles you know nothing about, just as you have troubles nobody else knows. Give them some slack.
Rescue worms from the gutter
You might be that worm in your next life, and getting rescued always feels good.
When you disassemble something, take all the screws out
You'll be glad for the lack of stickey-outey bits later.
When you pack boxes, don't overflow them
Boxes are more useful when they can close.
If you're just going to pile things in a box so that nothing can be stacked on top, you may as well have just piled the stuff on the floor.
People mostly notice when something's wrong
Don't be discouraged by lack of praise, even from yourself. The system you created is working so well that everyone's forgotten it exists.
You're better at what you're good at than you realize
Things you're good at seem easy because you've practiced a lot.
Let your subconscious do the heavy lifting
Drill, drill, drill.
Don't waste time working around the limitations or weird shapes of cheap junk
Build the thing you actually want, instead.
Tighten your feedback loops
Thig makes things more 'fun', which means you're more likely to keep going.
There's a reason playing Factorio is more addictive than building webapps in Spring Boot.
3D printing is great for making the design → build → redesign loop faster (than, for example, if you're making everything out of wood).
Widen your bottlenecks
Clear a big old swath of counter space for folding laundry.
Buy a bigger hard disk so you can dump crap on it.
Come up with a system for doing X so you don't have to think about it every time.
Write in the next page of your journal
When it fills up, get another journal.
Have lots of identical journals so that you don't worry about filling up a 'special' one.
Put indexes in the beginning to make it easy to find important pages.
Do the fun, interesting thing, especially if it's useless
Having fun is important in itself.
Also, it might inspire you to more things.
And so the thing is, first of all, to get it moving. To follow whatever kind of love you have in the first place. Because you cannot control love until you have some to control; until you have it running. You’ve got to get your car running before you could learn how to drive it. You will not become a skillful driver by sitting in a still car in a garage anymore than you will become a skilled dancer if you simply never move your arms and legs. And so the first thing, then, is to discover what indeed you do love, if anything. And you will find there is something. And then go into the nature of that.
The worth is in the act. Your worth halts when you surrender the will to change and experience life. But options are before you; choose one and dedicated yourself to it. The deeds will give you new hope and purpose.
Download stuff that's important to you
That YouTube video that you love might get taken down tomorrow.
Write unit tests
So you never need to worry if a change broke some expectation that you've forgotten about.>
Maximize don't cares
Precisely spell out what *does* matter to an API, what the contract is, requirements of inputs, constraints on outputs, invariants, etc
Pick good standards and stick to them
At least until something obviously better in every way comes along.
Good standards maximize don't cares, making them easier to stick with as requirements change.
Find relationships between different standards, so they can be translated between precisely