If you're like me, you put off switching from MySQL to Postgres for way too long because you couldn't figure out how to get Postgres working. So here I am documenting how to install the software, create a database, and connect to it a few different ways. It's not really that difficult, just different.
Note that if you're setting up a new project, PHPProjectInitializer will generate a lot of the boilerplate for you.
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.3 postgresql-client-common postgresql-client-9.3
sh$ sudo su postgres -c psql
Maybe list the existing databases:
postgres=# \l
List client commands:
postgres=# \?
CREATE DATABASE "coolnewdatabase";
CREATE USER "coolnewuser" WITH PASSWORD 'Mah pass werd';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "coolnewdatabase" TO "coolnewuser";
This is pretty much necessary if you want to connect without having to type a password every time.
mkdir -p ~/bin && nano ~/bin/coolnewdatabase-psql && chmod +x ~/bin/coolnewdatabase-psql
Script contents:
export PGPASSWORD='Mah pass werd'
exec psql coolnewdatabase -U coolnewuser -h localhost -p 5432 "$@"
sudo apt-get install php5 php5-cli php5-pgsql
That will install the Postgres PDO extension.
I will leave the rest of the project set-up to you, but if you were to configure Doctrine to connect to your new database, the configuration options would look like this:
"dbname": "coolnewdatabase",
"host": "localhost",
"user": "coolnewuser",
"password": "Mah pass werd",
"driver": "pdo_pgsql"
In PHPProjectInitializer-style projects, this would be in config/dbc.json