date: 2007-06-11 21:24
tags: cork, dublin, nslu
subject: Chicago (part 3), Dublin + Cork

Chicago (part 3), Dublin + Cork - 2007-06-11 21:24 - Entry 933 - TOGoS's Journal

We are finally at a hostel in Amsterdam with free internet. Unfortunately the keyboard I am using sucks a lot, but let's see if I can get more journal copied down anyway. Also I am posting this directly to LJ rather than writing it on my Linux box and then posting because my Linux box seems disconnected from the internet right now, so I'll have to copy the stuff down later. (Note to self: "The 'public' item IDs used in URLs are internal item id * 256 + anum".

Alright now. I'm only about 2 weeks behind...




There's a guy waiting to use this machine, so I'll get off now.

2007-05-29 (Tuesday)

2007-05-30 (Wednesday)

"Stand clear. Luggage doors operate."
- Irish buses

Throughout the day I took picture of A-Day taking pictures. This is to prove that he really did take pictures, as his NSLU is supposed to delete the pictures he has taken off his camera (recognized as the one and only A-Day cam by it's unique usage of "DCIM" in file paths) just before it b0rks the hard drive.

After we got into Cork (about 22:00) we checked into a nearby hostel and got a 'private' room in order to try and get the NSLU stuff working. The guy at reception didn't understand "electrical outlet", but a gal from NY told us that yeah, the rooms do have outlets. She's here studying something, or something.

We spent some time trying to get the NSLU working. First we burned out the outlet in our room, then we burned up A-Day's power strip, then we had this hokey setup with wires between the bathroom and the hall going on, and the NSLU booted, but things didn't really seem to work. We decided to buy some CD-Rs and burn our pics onto them, instead. And ship A-Day's electronics back to Milwaukee.