I wanted to go see Blue Man Group, but tickets are 50$. Maybe someday when I'm more rich. X(
I had a dream that I was playing this game. The setting was my neighborhood, including the area out to Midvale and Tokay. But Lake Mendota was right in the middle of all that, and you could pretty much see the capitol (except it was a castle) from anywhere around the loop. I came to a park along Midvale and saw that it had a really nice view of a blue observatory on top of a hill towards the lake. So I got off my bike and started taking pictures of it, trying to get some relatively nice looking ones before it got too dark. Only after taking a few did I notice the capitol/castle behind the observatory. I guess because of its light gray color it just blended into the sky. I also took some pictures of trees in the park, because they were pretty. Scott Nykl (and some other guy) stopped by, so I started taking pictures of him as he passed in front of the tree. He didn't like that, so he got super pissed and got me in a head lock. Finally I told him I'd delete the pictures of him, and then he let me go.
For some reason A-Day and I were staying in some dorm room somewhere for a couple days. As a joke I said to him "won't it be weird when we graduate and have to get jobs?"
In another dream we accidentally flusheed John Lasky down a toilet.