date: 2006-07-13 23:00
subject: On the other hand we have...the entire planet
lj-entry-id: 645,150

On the other hand we have...the entire planet - 2006-07-13 23:00 - Entry 805 - TOGoS's Journal

There was a brief power outage a couple nights ago. Lost my uptime (oh well, it was only about a month). Couple other things I had to restart: SCUM, OpenVPN server.

I had a dream that I was in this little building I had made as a Doom level. There was a blue card door with narrow lights around it, and a bit of an overhanging roof, on top of a low grassy hill and farther away, some trees. Considering the size of the thing, it was taking me a while to get around and flip all the switches and get the keys that I had to. It was scary too, with sergeants shooting at me while I wasn't looking.

Later I was off in the field looking at the leaves on the trees. I was thinking about how the trees there in Platteville (that's where I thought I was) did or didn't (I don't remember) look or seem very much different than they did when I first saw them. Jim was there with me, and I was talking to him about it.

I also ran into Martha and was talking to her.

Last night Fizz and Joh and I went running in the Pheasant Conservancy, which is a cool place in Middleton with paths and wooden walkways through woods and a marsh. Then we went up on top of a tallish hill (it seemed taller being at the top than the walk up and down suggested) where we could see the capital, some building that we didn't know what building it was (best guess was Oakwood, but it didn't really look like Oakwood and I thought that was too far away), and some flashy lights on towers that we couldn't figure out.

We watched Firefly at work today; I thought it seemed like a good show. A nice alternative to Farscape (which I also kinda like, and which we now watch on Tuesday instead of Wednesday).

We went to see An Inconvenient Truth. I liked it a lot (though maybe it would've been better if it didn't feature Al Gore's head so much).