date: 2006-01-13 16:00
tags: liana-dreams
subject: Baron Von Puttyngton, cranial expansion,
a blue chicken, and a realistic dream by Fizz
lj-entry-id: 596,34

Baron Von Puttyngton, cranial expansion, a blue chicken, and a realistic dream by Fizz - 2006-01-13 16:00 - Entry 754 - TOGoS's Journal

I was with Fizz and maybe someone else (A-Day or a Ben) and we were driving by Mt. Horeb. Or maybe we had stopped there for a while and were now leaving. I was explaining to Fizz that people in Mt. Horeb all had pointy heads, but as I talked about it I realized that I didn't know why that was at all. And as we drove mode I had a strange feeling on my head, as if my skull was expanding outwards in places. I told the other guys about this and I was a bit worried, but as we drove and stopped at a gas station my head started doing that all around so that it evened out and my head was just becoming larger. I wondered if this was part of the mental expansion that people supposedly experienced in their mid 20s.

In another dream I was returning from somewhere at night. I saw Fizz and Joh leave the round building that I was going into, but I didn't run after them to ask where they were going or anything. Several hours later Fizz came back and told me that they had gone and walked (or biked, maybe) to Dodgeville and back. I was very impressed.

In the last dream I was in a physics class with some folks from high school (Doug Detert, Liana Prescott, and maybe David Valley). We were competing with another group of kids in this contest involving chickens. We had a blue chicken and they had a yellow chicken, and we were supposed to get our chicken to fly off this platform a certain way. As we walked up the steps to the top, we watched the other team's chicken fly just like it was supposed to, except it looked more like a hawk than a chicken. We were trying to discuss ways to 'launch' our chicken so that she could fly higher, and I was trying to mention surgical tubing (it is very elastic and we made catapults out of it in 11th grade), but I was very slow to explain myself and by the time I got to the words "surgical tubing" Liana had already described what I wanted so I just said "yeah, that's what I was trying to say". Later (while the others were buying some surgical tubing, I suppose) I was off playing with the chicken. If I held out my hand the right way she'd jump on my fingers and I could pet her. She was a very nice chicken and I was becoming rather attached. Nearby there was a line of what looked like to-be freshmen registering for classes. One of them picked up my chicken and started taunting her. I was yelling "If you hurt my blue chicken I'm going to rip your throat out" as the dream ended.

Oh yeah, and Fizz had a cool dream that I'll write down here because he doesn't write down his dreams like he should.

[12:22] BoxOfDumb: dude i had awe0me dreems
[12:22] *** Auto-response sent to BoxOfDumb: went running
[12:22] BoxOfDumb: :o
[12:22] BoxOfDumb: we were setting up a telegraph system in the house
[12:22] BoxOfDumb: and we used morse code
[12:22] BoxOfDumb: and someone made a little program to go with it
[12:22] BoxOfDumb: when you start the program, you get one gold star
[12:24] BoxOfDumb: and you have the option of "take a breath" which
makes the screen say:  "you inhaled nine units of breath", and you
gain one star.  This was to protect yourself from "guerrilla stars",
whatever that meant
[12:24] BoxOfDumb: and there's other options 
[12:24] BoxOfDumb: the screen looked like facebook 
[12:25] BoxOfDumb: also, you had made an awesome game where you make a
planet and can drive a little car around on it
[12:25] BoxOfDumb: i made a tiny world of two small earths smashed
[12:26] BoxOfDumb: and i used these tables you had made, but i
combined them with these bowls of water, so they were two in one
[12:26] BoxOfDumb: and you said something like "if people are going to
mess up those tables i should . . . "
[12:26] BoxOfDumb: it was awesome
[12:27] BoxOfDumb: oh, and andy is here today
[12:27] BoxOfDumb: oh, there was another dream where me and ben could
[12:27] BoxOfDumb: i thought it was real
[12:28] BoxOfDumb: 11, and there was a part where we were in a crowded
downtown and i was pretending to be crazy, stumbling around in the
street saying i could fly
[12:28] BoxOfDumb: and then i actually did
[12:28] BoxOfDumb: (fly)
[12:40] BoxOfLAME: man
[12:41] BoxOfLAME: i hope you lj that
[12:41] BoxOfLAME: that's awesome dreams
[12:41] BoxOfLAME: that's cool that a-day's there

Sweet game: Baron Von Puttyngton