date: 2005-11-08
description: Minecarts
lj-entry-id: 574,65

Minecarts - 2005-11-08 - Entry 736 - TOGoS's Journal


I was biking way out west, like from Madison to the Mississippi river or something. After I got there and I was just about to turn back I found out that Tallis was right behind me, except he was totally unprepared for the trip. Like he didn't even have a water bottle, and so he kept drinking out of mine. So we stopped at this grocery store, and the rest of the dream was all about wandering around the store looking for ramen or something.

I was with some friends and we rented this minecart and put it on the tracks and started pushing ourselves along with a big stick. By the time we got to a hill we had picked up enough speed that we just went right up most of the way to the top.

Later we were trying to go back the other way, but it was really hard because we forgot that we could push ourselves along with big sticks, and we had also sort of forgotten which way to go at splits in the track. But eventually we found our way back to the barn where we started from and where there were always parties. And then I was at this huge outdoor party and I was climbing up this big fake hill and going down the other side like I was demonstrating what the miners had to do while all these people watched. And there was other stuff going on, too. I was going around to the nearby bars looking for someeone...