date: 2005-10-14 2:17
subject: Too much bass just sounds like thunder
lj-entry-id: 562,210
Too much bass just sounds like thunder - 2005-10-14 2:17 - Entry 725 - TOGoS's Journal
I recently had a dream in which we were trying to get into
Glenview without paying.
The lead singer for Queens of the Stone Age is a jerk.
Of all the NIN performers, Trent Reznor looked the least like what
we expected Trent Reznor to look like.
They played Right Where It Belongs and a couple other songs next
to it while projecting pictures on a curtain. That was cool. Also
March of the Pigs was cool, and so was Hurt. And some other stuff,
too, but I think those were my favorite parts.
My folks gave us a lot of grapes (let us pick grapes from the
mostly empty grape vine). A lot of the grapes are gross, and it's sort
of a lot of work to eat them. They'll mostly end up in a pile in the
back yard, I'm thinking.
My folks got a new carpet and have re-arranged the living
room. They are planning on a new couch and have ordered a Prius.