Well I just realized that there's only about 10 days left before I go back to school, and that isn't very long. I'm listening to some of my 'old' (ha. Mulker 3 was made over a year ago. geez. I change in a year much less than I used to. I suppose that's why time seems to go by faster. Pretty soon I'll be an old guy with health problems and instead of 10 days to end of summer it'll be 10 days to the next decade. the one I die in) Mulkers. Some of them are pretty cool.
Since I'm in the mood, I'd better write crap. Because I don't usually feel like writing crap when I'm busy programming (current project: RUDLVectorDisplay/TRScript, next project: use that crap to make a StatServ front end and create infrastructure to collect useful information). So here's what happened this summer:
Deb: Dan! I wish you were going on the trip!
TOGoS: Yeah, but I gotta get a job and crap.
Stupid people that won't hire me: We'll call you.
Ma and Heather go to Florida for a week. Meanwhile, TOGoS moves his computer upstairs and works on Crapi MAP05 a lot. We don't do dishes the whole week. I try to read the fractal science book on the way to and from the airport to retrieve Ma + Heather.
TOGoS (thinking): Bah. Nora has too many boyfriends. Ooh. Cute girl from WISPIRG. Wait...
Cute girl: HIIIIII!!!!!!!
TOGoS gets job at WISPIRG. Immediately starts getting calls asking for computer help as advertised on posters put up earlier.
Fizz: LAN?
TOGoS: LAN party? I've never done that, before. Sounds cool.
Kevin gays up party. TOGoS gets hooked on Age of Empires 2 + Conquerers.
Babealicous119: This computer is messed up.
TOGoS: Stop installing dumb crap on it.
Meanwhile at WISPIRG, cute girl is more weird and less cute than she used to be. TOGoS regularly fails to meet quota.
Danny: Dan, we're gonna have to let you go.
TOGoS: Yesssss
TOGoS proceeds to never recieve his paycheck.
TOGoS: So I got fired.
Fizz: That sucks.
TOGoS: Not really. Now we can go running every night, again.
Ma: Hey Dan, you should work for Heather.
TOGoS spends most of July being bored and playing AOE too much. Somewhere along the line he also goes to the dentist.
Fizz: Nose factory Friday cavity non-invasive!
TOGoS: Ewwww.
TOGoS: Fun. Fun. Fun for all. Fun for all in the morning.
Fizz: STFU
Fizz gets his nose sliced up and can't do anything for a week. It's realy gross.
KILLmary644: He just went out. But here's your hat.
Fizz: They vacumed my nose.
TOGoS: ethnic_cleansing.wad?
TOGoS: Doom3Doom3Doom3! And some new Mulkers!
TOGoS: Doom3 sucks and I'm still bored. Maybe I'll play Freeciv.
Bluebasser02: Nooooooo!
Skip some stuff that I don't remember. Make some more new Mulkers. Bike to Dodgeville. Lose raisin bran to raccoons. Ride back. Get shinsplints and chewed out by Jason.
TOGoS: let's go register voters!
Fizz: This is the worst idea you've ever had.
TOGoS: hooray for affine transformation matrices.
I think I'll go to the library tomorrow and pick up a Van Halen CD, two Orbital CDs, and drop off Hysteria.