date: 2004-07-27
description: New sunglasses, new underworld CD, new TB test, new
customers, and new dreams
lj-entry-id: 410,230

New sunglasses, new underworld CD, new TB test, new customers, and new dreams - 2004-07-27 - Entry 505 - TOGoS's Journal

So, Dan... You're going to write a new journal entry?

No. I'm busy.

Playing Age of Empires again, eh?


Reading slashdot?

I'm re-working GenScript3, and I have to go to someone's house in half an hour and re-jig their whole system. Now go away.


2004-07-30: OK, here are those dreams I've been meaning to write down.

I was at Fizz's house, and we were all in the backyard. It was raining pretty hard. We were trying to clean leaves and mud out of this ditch. Then there was something about a gypsy hut being bolted to the roof, and we were trying to get that off.

"LAM room - more rain" - I don't remember much about that. I guess there was a LAN room and it was still raining when we were there.

There was this swimming contest. There was this big, concrete structure out in a lake or the ocean somewhere that swimmers would have to go back and forth through. One swimmer just flew through it, and I guess they won. I guess they won a trip to ID Software or something, because then we were standing in a room with Carmack and stuff and they were showing off this big old horse model. They were talking about how they were going to use the Omega (or something - I always forgot the name) scripting engine in their next game. This was something that I had been interested in before, so that was cool that they were going to use it in their game.

Later I was standing around with a bunch of physics friends trying to explain this scripting engine business to them. While trying to remember the name of it, I (or we?) realized that we had been standing in the exact same place before, discussing the exact same thing. So then we went wandering around some golf course.

Actually I was across the road from the golf course. But I was still worried that a stray golf ball was going to come flying over and hit me in the eye or something. I was supposed to catch them when they came over, but I guess I wasn't too sure of myself. One came over and bounced off into a tennis court, and I had to go after it. Got it eventually, though.