date: 2004-05-17
lj-entry-id: 374,51

2004-05-17 - Entry 466 - TOGoS's Journal

This morning I got on my bike and rode down the to-be bike path past Belleville (where I bought ~3.50 in worthless food) and on along the path until I ran into a tunnel, at which point I got off and walked up the hill and through a farm and some woods and came out at the other end and then walked some more and thought that it was totally awesome. Going back, I got off the path as soon as possible because that gravel sucks to ride on. The road was *soooo* much easier. Until I wore out my road-biking muscles, too. But it was still better than going on the path the whole way. I rode around a little park in the lake in Belleville, and then went up PB to where the military ridge trail comes into verona. After a little nap I called Home Depot and they told me I should re-submit my application, so I did. The rest of the day I spent working on GenScript stuff, which was actually pretty lame, even though I had been thinking how awesome it would be when I was out biking. Maybe I was thinking about something else.


Later I downloaded the Reason 2.5 demo. I reasoned (haha) that I maybe ought to buy it, but it's 500 dollars, so I guess not. I made 'WalletBreath'.