date: 2003-07-30
lj-entry-id: 298,210

2003-07-30 - Entry 366 - TOGoS's Journal

OK... Oh yes.

First, I was trying to go to sleep. Except it was only about 9:00. Why was I trying to go to sleep at 19:00? I don't remember. Anyway, as I was falling asleep, I was trying to get up and walk around. Without actually moving. I don't really remember why. I guess I just thought it'd be cool. Anyway, I managed to get a little ways, but if I tried to hard, I'd just wake myself up, ad I'd have to doze off, again. Then I woke up hearing voices outside my window. But I wasn't sure if I was awake or dreaming. I had a hard tme getting up. Like when I do when part of my brain thinks I'm still asleep and won't let me move. But finally I managed to get up. I walked out the Bilco door and there were a bunch of little kids playing in the back yard. Someone from a few houses over started yelling at them to come home. I went back inside... The Olsens (as in Nate, etc.) were at our house... Except Nate was bigger than he used to be. Chris was as big as Nate used to be. I said "hi" to them... Then I finally woke up, and realised that the whole thing really had been a dream. And then fell asleep again...

Then I had this dream where we had to cross a bridge. Except it wasn't fiinished. Then it got worked on more but it still wasn't quite done. But we jumped across where it wasn't finished. Then we had to walk and walk. We were walking through thes fields and over these hills and stuff. We just kept walking and walking. Finally we came to this town. I made a sandwich.