date: 2003-06-30
description: dreams, Belleville walk
lj-entry-id: 288,135

dreams, Belleville walk - 2003-06-30 - Entry 350 - TOGoS's Journal

I woke up once to my Underworld music that I had left running. Except I forgot to tell Winamp to have it stop at the end, so it kept looping for hours. So I stopped that and went back to sleep.

There was one dream where there were 3 guys in our house. I guess I was working with them on something. But then one of them started attacking us with a knife. The rest of us ran in the kitchen and got bigger knives. But he killed both the other guys. I was telling my dad to help us out, but he just sat there. I tried to throw a knife at the guy, and he pretended to die, but then he laughed and got back up. Then as he came into the kitchen I chopped off his head, but then he got it back on somehow.

In another dream, I was having to write some kind of report. I was writing it about Mars. I thought it was kind of dumb, but I didn't care. I just didn't want to do it. We were all having to pack up our stuff because we were moving somewhere. I had been keeping my stuff in the fridge. There was this big white octopus guy that lived on the Moon. I think he was planning something mean.

But then there was this big thing with this huge building. I guess it was mostly filled with water. I was with some other people, and we were swimming down to the bottom to try to get something. But the people who's building it was were trying to stop us. Then all these pipes started getting cut up and there was a big mess.

Then there was this little room that I guess was some sort of teleporter room. There was some other guy who hung out in there that you could talk to. There were actually 2 of these rooms. One of them was down at the bottom of this building, under water, and the other was outside somewhere. You had to walk into a corner some weird way and if you did it right you'd be in the other room.

I was going to the Zoo, but there was this big, huge line to get in. So I was thinking about going to a different entrance to see it it would be easier to get in, there. But on my way I found the other end of the teleporter room.

... Later that day ...

At about 15:00 I started going for a walk down the old RR tracks (that aren't RR tracks, anymore). I was thinking about how awesome it would be if I could take some pictures every 40 steps or so and make a database of them with info on where they were and what direction each one pointed and stuff and then I could make a web interface to it and you could walk through them as if you were going down the trail and it would be awesome. I'd need to get a GPS device and a compass, and I was also wondering how many pictures out digital camera could hold...

After passing the 4th road after Seminole, but before going under bridge 127, I had to do a #2 and went in the woods. I did a much neater job of it than I did the last time I had to do that, and it was probably even neater than many times when I didn't have to go in the woods :-P. Very nicely done, I thought. I was proud.

I ate some of the corn flakes I had packed while sitting under the bridge. They were good.

Wooo! I walked down the
to-be bike trail to Belleville.
I bought a bag of watermelon
Jolly Ranchers and a 1L
bottle of Red Mtn. Dew, and
the nice lady at the counter
filled my 1L pepsi Blue bottle
up with water. This is a nice
place to stop. They even have
a couple of benches picnic
tables out front, here (which I
am using to write in my

Maybe I'll just rest here for
a while and let my feet recover.

  /   \_____
 ( \__ __/  )   Fat nostrils man
  \ o   o  /
  /  - -   \           .
 ( \_____/  )         .
  \________/\/    _________
            /\_      .  Bridge 127
             /      .

       A |   .
    _____|  .
         : .
         : .
         : .
        :  .
       :   .
      :    .
     :     .
     : BV  .

The sun went down and it started getting dark as I was coming back. I was thinking about how I might make some kind of diagram of this highway in SVG or something. But I don't want to do it by hand-writing SVG, and I can't find a WYSIWYG SVG editor, blah, blah, blah.

               |              .   I think it looks
             __|________ ? _______  something like this...
               | Sun Valley . bridge 127
               |           .
      _____   /          .
           \ /PB       .
            |        .
            |      .
           /Basco.  From the road, Basco looks
          /     .   to consist of about 2 buildings.
         |      .   From the path there are a few
         |      .   houses around, though.
         | pond.
       69|     .
         |    .
       A |   .
    _____|  .
         | .
       69| .
         | .
       _/  .
      /    .
     |     .
     | BV  .

And as I was walking up PB a couple of guys in a jeep asked me if I wanted a ride so I took one back up to Verona/Raymond. They were nice. They were pretty surprised that I walked all the way down there. It's like 12 miles. So in total I walked about 17 I guess. When I got home it was 22:37 according to the microwave. Ma had been worried about me, as expected.

The camera can hold 90 pictures on low quality. Not enough, I think. :-/

bluebasser02: hey dan
bluebasser02: you left your comp on. i should rant. ARE YOU EARS DEAF?
MESSSAGES? no, well, bye.
*** bluebasser02 signed off at Mon Jun 30 19:28:28 2003.
*** You have been disconnected. Mon Jun 30 20:55:29 2003.
BoxOfLAME: qwe
*** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
BoxOfLAME: Yarr!
*** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on
BoxOfLAME: Of course, the ONE time he comes online all summer I'm on a
30 mile walk to Belleville and Back :-/
*** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on

I'm downloading Matrix Reloaded via BitTorrent :-D Earlier I downloaded Knoppix 3.2 using BitTorrent. Haven't written the CD to try it out, yet, because the computer's been doing other things. Oh, yes, and I got uhhh.... Oh, yeah. Amaya finally installed >:-/ I need to eat some of that soup Ma saved for me. It's bean and (barley?) soup.

Tonight I am going to sleep to Dave Matthews, Blink 182, John Mayer, and my new Wallflowers song, if I stay awake that long.