date: 2003-04-10
description: Mice, Doom/VR converter dream
lj-entry-id: 265,254

Mice, Doom/VR converter dream - 2003-04-10 - Entry 312 - TOGoS's Journal

Yes. Last night I had a dream in which I was converting a Doom level to some generalized VR format. And I also had another version.

At the end of the dream I picked up a bunch of mice and they climbed all over me. Then someone calledon the phone for Adam. It was Paul Borlog. When I woke up the phone rang and it was for Adam and it was some guy. Adam had me talk to him.


< A reminder that the second part of
< our HTML course will be tonight at 7 p.m.

Man, you gotta send these out a day or two
early. :-) It said in the last ATIP email I got
that other (than last Thursday) sessions' times
were to be decided, so I didn't assume it was
every Thursday. I'd have come and drug Fizz along
with me. If *I* didn't know about it, it's no
wonder nobody shows up. :-)

< A reminder that our final meeting of the
< year will be on Thursday, May 1 at 7 p.m.

Yeah, see? That's more like it.

BTW, how goes it with the AITP website? Are we
doing anything with that, yet? I've been hacking
on a bunch of nice, fairly modular PHP scripts to
handle login stuff... It's so hard to make PHP
modular :-P.

I went for a walk tonight after about 11:00. Spent the day IMming and trading software with Andy and watching the news and the Simpsons. Worked on PHPs a bit. And sent the above letter regarding AITP to Josh.

And before I went to bed (when Adam finally got back) I fixed up some PHP scripts so that the old ones would automatically be loaded the old libraries (as I already did for the TDO stuff).