date: 2002-12-20
description: home! dreams: uncle john dead, telekenesis, go to jail;
tags: telekenesis-dreams

home! dreams: uncle john dead, telekenesis, go to jail; - 2002-12-20 - Entry 245 - TOGoS's Journal

Uncle Joh came to UWPlatt. He hung out with me and Fizz and bought us beer. Later he went home. Except he was staying at our house. Then he died. Mom called and told me about it. LAter we all just accepted it as normal. Uncle John was dead. I asked him why he died and he said he was just really tired, and not having much fun.

So I was in the basement of Morrow. I was adding to the .p directory or something. I had a dream that I could move things around just by gesturing with my hands. When I woke up it was still the middle of the night and I was still in the basement, but I found that I could still move stuff around with my mind. It was cool. I couldn't wait until morning so I could show people.

Yesterday I took my COMP3520 final. There were a couple things on it that I had no idea about, but I think I probably passed. I had to stand in line a while to return my books, then I ate too much for lunch. The I wet back to my room ad Dad showed up ad we carried most of my stuff to the car ad we wet home.

Last night I had a dream that I had to go to jail. I had been there before, like in 8th grade. Some girl smiled at me on the way in. She looked nice. When I got into my cell, they put all sorts of drugs in me and I fell asleep. I was stuck there for the first 1/4 of winter break, which really sucked. Sometimes I would remind myself that it was only a dream, and I'd feel better until I forgot.

I'm making Mulker 18.