date: 2025-01-11
tags: elver-park-dreams, mountain-dreams
title: extreme hills beyond Elver

extreme hills beyond Elver - 2025-01-11 - TOGoS's Journal

Beyond Elver park, on a clear day, you could see these tall steep bluffs. I had never gone to explore them, but I had always wanted to. We had a visitor, and I was describing it to them as looking like the extreme hills biome from Minecraft. There were even a few chunks that weren't loading, so you could see the inside of one of the hills.

Maybe visitor would like to come explore them with me sometime?

I had checked out a big quarry at the base of one hill (my mom had told me not to go on there because it was dangerous, which was probably good advice). It was a keyhole-shaped excavation, and a dead-end. So not all that interesting.