title: Walk in the park with Jon
date: 2024-12-08

Walk in the park with Jon - 2024-12-08 - TOGoS's Journal


I was talking to my brother as we walked around this lake path. Something about how the previous guy had left kind of a mess.

"Not you, Jon! I mean the guy who died. Greg or whatever" I said, slowly realizing that that was Jon I was talking about. Oops. But oh well, Jon's ghost might not feel too offended that I said that because ghosts don't have glands.

The lake path was this whole place, like a fairly large park adjacent to some busy street. It had a few different paths you could take to get from one end to the other. Not sure if they were paved walking/bike paths or if I was driving the Geo on them at some point. Maybe I had an e-bike. I seem to recall trying to replace or recharge batteries being batteries being something I was thinking about while talking to Jon.

The 'lake' might have been just a pond near the 'east' end, and the 'east' end would actually be the southwest end if that pond was actually the pond at the west end of Monroe stret. It had a similar vibe.