In real life, my neighbor Barb is at least 90 years old, and is showing clear signs of Alzheimer's, or some other dementia. She still drives her car, so I'm always worried she's going to crash it into something or someone. In this dream, Jamie and I were driving down our street, and we saw Barb drive her car into the side of someone's house. All the houses were different than in real life. Then, she kept driving, and drove into a 6-ft fence, and a section of it fell down. Then, she drove it into the stream/rocky-ditch, which was also in the wrong place, and flipped her car upside-down. She got out, and was fine, and proceeded to push on her car and tipped it back upright, into the middle of the stream. During all this, Jamie and I were trying to figure out if we should call 911, but our hands were always full or something. Some other person showed up, and this person seemed to think that this meant that Barb should have a party at her house (which was also on the wrong side of the street). We all ended up at Barb's house, though it was already late at night, and started partying. Barb had a drink, like a mimosa or something. A lot of people were showing up, probably invited by this new person.
You (TOGoS) were there, and you and I, and this other guy, and maybe others--the thing we were doing at the party was trying to set up this game where you first have to build a model of some kind of dungeon. Each person makes their own, and has to carve it out of a giant block of balsa wood. But also, wall pieces have to connect together somehow, and also there are holes drilled for some reason. The other guy was unsure how to get his stuff together, so he was looking at mine, though at that point, mine was just a drawing of a plan. I was jovially like "I'm copying off you, man, so don't copy off me".
In the meantime, Jamie's friend had shown up, and they and a bunch of others had gone off somewhere, like maybe the basement, and were drinking too much, and I was getting nervous. Plus, it was like 3:00AM, and we had to get up at like 6:00AM. And at some point, I realized no one else was home with the sleeping kids, so I did a kind of crawling gallop back to my house, and set up the camera so I could watch them sleep. I came back, and more people kept showing up to the party.
Then, the game / dungeon-building activity became even more like last night's real-life workshop activity, and you were showing me how to put some stuff, in this case polyurethane or stain or oil, into a little pool before doing some kind of drill action. I tried it myself, and got way too much on, and it was going all over the place as I tried to tip the thing to prevent it from dripping off. I thought "maybe this happened to TOG a long time ago and now his brain knows how to only get a little bit on". But the spilled amount was somehow getting larger and larger, and it was all over everything, and all over Barb's floor. I was like "the priority is to keep it off Barb's floor, in case she has to sell her house soon or something".
Ya know what? I think the dungeon game was inspired by the wine rack you have in the corner of your living room.
I also had a kind of cool dream, which I described thusly:
I had a dream about living on this, uhm, land formation, with grass and trees and barns and tall silos, and to the east and west was ocean (except if you went south the land formation did more stuff to the east) and to the north maybe it was less developed, but otherwise there were tunnels all over, and there was a Czech restaurant owned by a lady we knew, and everybody was very corrupt, so you had to be careful to avoid trouble when paying for your food, and at one point I was walking around 'the Thorax', which is what I called the wide grassy hilly area between a more populated place to the south and the cratery place to the north, and there were a lot of dry conifers along this one path, and then a laboratory full of Russians that needed to be rescued because their place had caught on fire or something, and everybody wanted water so I was getting them water, and then later I had a dog and we were going down into the subway and I was like "look, the dog can float if you're above Z=27" or something like that, and I wondered what effects, if any, very low elevations would have on the dog. Later in the dream I was becoming more aware that the land mass extended farther to the south and east and had more cities than I realized.
Maybe Sara was down there trying to have more babies or bake a cake or something.
It's one of those dreams where I remember images from it pretty vividly but it's a lot of spatial information so hard to write about.
The cratery canyon path felt kind of Minecrafty. Also, there was a part where I was swinging around super skillfully on a bunch of handle bars that were attached to the rocks on the west coast of that section, which was a cliff with overhangs. I think that part was inspired by climbing out and back into my bed in the middle of the night to turn off my computer which was being too loud and waking me up, which is made trickier when my bed is full of cats, and also by it being dark in the room (because I finally draped a towel over the Lepy amp which otherwise casts a blue light all over the room).
TODO: Mention about talking to people from highschool who seemed to be manning some sort of guard station at the end of the tunnel under the Thorax where it opened up into the cratery canyon path.
TODO: Draw map and include that, here. Here's a drawing.