date: 2022-06-24
subject: TGL
tags: super-nintendo-dreams, deadmau5-dreams

TGL - 2022-06-24 - TOGoS's Journal

I was playing The Guardian Legend in my head just before I woke up this morning. The level and enemies were ones not from the game, but the gameplay was pretty accurate. Was fighting a swarm of adolescent Optomons in a corridor. There were all sorts of projectiles being sprayed at me and I was doing my best to shoot them with my regular gun while minimizing how much damage I was taking and getting an occasional shot on the bosses.

After beating them I had to solve a puzzle before I could continue (in the real game, unsealing the corridors can sometimes be a bit of a puzzle, but in the dream I was still sitting there in the corridor). This puzzle was pretty dumb. I just needed to enter a four-letter code. I used to know this. The four letters are, like, in plain sight somewhere near the entrance to the corridor. For a second I thought I had it; it's the name of the planet, "Nanju"...oh no that's 5 letters.

While I was writing this entry up now I was googling around for the name of that fuzzy ball boss ('Optomon'), and realized that the name of the planet is "Naju", not "Nanju". So maybe that was the 4-letter code, after all!

Also it seems I have failed to document that several nights ago I had a dream that I was at some, like, retro gaming convention or something, messing with a Super Nintendo. Deadmau5 was also there and so we played some SNES Mario Kart together or something. In the dream he was a large man with hair only on the top of his head, and it was curly and purple.