I was following along a marble maze that I had built in the yard. Actually it was more like a marble highway, with offramps and stuff, and maybe it connected to the interstate system (this entire dream was spent being a little confused about if this was really about marbles). But at least one offramp did lead to a twisty, complicated mazy part that passed under the highway and in parts went underground. Finally I reached a part that went pretty deep underground, and as I followed the track downward, under a bunch of other buried marble maze, I was impressed with my younger self for building all of this, but also started to worry about how I would get back out; this thing might have gotten clogged with dirt and become a dead-end with a bunch of old marbles at the bottom!
I was on a road trip up in the UP with some old dudes in a minivan. The trip (which was a somewhat routine one, I guess; maybe something we did once a year) involved getting up there pretty quick on a freeway, but then long stretches of driving on remote, mostly east-west highways.
I went on several different walks with Sara, and some with other people (my old coworkers from JHT?):
- Around the neighborhood in Madison, poast ORE.
- Along some gravel road through a nature area. As we followed a gradual curve to the left, with woods on the right side of the road, and a small grove on the left, another person, with a dog and/or a kid and/or a horse was approaching from the other direction. We hoped to avoid them by staying on the left side, but it seemed the horse saw us and wanted to come visit, because instead of staying on the right side of the road, they walked straight towards us.
- Another walk past ORE, but this time continuing south to Raymond, which in the dream was more curvy, hilly, and newer-housing-development-ey. Across the street was a house with a large back porch, and maybe a large kids' playground thing, and it seemed like they were having a BIG PARTY back there. But the kind that a 12-year-old would have, with lots of pop and stuff.
And then my old school was on that same stretch of Raymond Road, and I was giving Renee a tour of it. It reminds me a little bit of the structure in this dream I had in July, most of our movement was parallel to the plane of an exterior wall. Because in this version of ORE, the east wing was like 8 stories tall, and had a library on either the 4th or 6th floor. I remembered that when I was in 5th grade we had to go to the strairwell (which was along the exterior wall in the middle of the wing) and go up a floor to get to it from our regular room. And that would have been on the 3rd floor. No, the 5th floor, because 5th grade! It was this somewhat confused thought process that I determined that there must be a total of 8 floors.
In reality, we did have to go up a floor to get to the LMC (i.e. library) or the REACH room.