date: 2020-09-06
subject: Gravel roads

Gravel roads - 2020-09-06 - TOGoS's Journal

Context: Back in Madison and Sara's visiting.

A couple nights ago I dreamt a few things. Seemed like there was a bit of road tripping or such. But the part that I remembered was the end, where Sara and I were playing Factorio, except it felt more like a city-building game. We had been doing pretty well but then the biters came and messed up all our conveyor belts to the west. And I was like "oh right this happens in this game", and had to think for a little bit about how you're supposed to defend against it before remembering about turret guns.

Last night I dreamt that Sara and I were out road tripping. We were on some spur of the trip, maybe trying to get to a campsite or something. We had to drive up a steep gravel road that wrapped around a swampy pond, sometimes very close to the edge, which was kinda scary, especially when trucks would pass us on the other side.