Before I forget even more: I had some combination of dreams which included the following. We had bought a different house which had been super cheap for some reason, and was sort of built into this warehouse/cliff combination. It felt like a poopy 70s house, but otherwise was fine, and has lots of bug skylights. Except... wait! As I was looking at stars through the skylights, I suddenly realized (which doesn't really make sense, because this is something a non-dreaming person would notice BEFORE looking at stars through the skylights) that whoever had put wall texturing on the ceiling had done a terrible job, depositing it in giant basketball-size blobs, and also getting it all over the skylights, almost obscuring them completely.
Possibly related: me and whatever was left of the human race was living on the moon, I guess (now, awake, pointlessly justifiying the logic of my dream) because it had become safer to live in than Earth. We had somehow managed to kill ALL life on Earth, and it was now totally blue, covered in lifeless, poison water, cloudless. It looked like a darker Uranus. It was giving me my objects-in-space phobia looking at it, especially after someone (maybe an alien) was like "is that a gas giant?" I said "no, that's Earth." It took up like half the sky, but I transcended the dream and decided that it had to have a smaller solid angle, like reality.
In another part, Jamie had bought a family of like 10 tigers, and we were going to bring them on our trip to CO, and I was like "no, they will eat all of us", but we were doing it anyway.
Man, all three of those dreams have obvious connections to my daily stresses.