date: 2019-12-20
subject: Moving away hugs

Moving away hugs - 2019-12-20 - TOGoS's Journal

I was visiting Renee at her apartment, which in the dream was in some brick building. We were sitting on her bed, which was against the back wall, which also had the door in it, which led out into an alley. It was dark and gloomy out there. We were sad, maybe because I was moving away and wouldn't get to see her very much anymore. Or maybe this visit was just unsatisfying because one or both of us were in a bad mood for some other reason. I had to leave to go do something but then came back. I might have just been having anxiety about dealing with that other thing, whatever it was.

In a later [part of that] dream, Sara and I were moving away to some small town in southwest Wisconsin, close to Chicago. I was giving Renee goodbye hugs. There was also this dude that I worked with and didn't really know that well but who I liked a lot for some reason--maybe he had been some inspiration in figuring something out--who I kept hugging. He seemed a little weirded out by it.