Lots of dreams. It seems like I have and remember a lot more when I wake up with Pearl on my neck and then go back to sleep a couple times.
I was in a game that involved crafting stuff and leveling up.
There were a bunch of kids in the game who were out on a popular pier near the spawn area. They had gotten the bright idea to craft some relatively easily craftable thing and then sell it to people, overcharging them a lot. To make it work they would all do this together. I knew that this was going to screw up the nice democratic communal society that we had maintained up until then, so I said "nope", and put an end to it. I don't remember exactly what power I had that let me do that so easily, but apparently I could fly (or at least almost fly, Tribes/Satisfactory jetpack-style), because I was at one point hovering over the pier, watching them toss packages back and forth from the shore (the pier formed a square, enclosing a section of the lake).
/\ : //\\ ; w //\\ : w /\/\ /\ : w /\//\ //\\ : w //\\//\//\\ : w ||///()|| : __ w woods /(() :________| | /\()/\ ________ | pier /\ //\\//\\ : | | w /\\ ///\///\ : w | | /() //\\//\\ : | | w (( ) //\\//\\ beach | | (( ) /\ : w | | w || //\\ : | | //\\ :________| | || ___________| w : w : : w 'starting area' : w
To the west there were some woods where I liked to go because I had some project that I was working on (probably involving 12″ panels to attach to gridbeam racks). The woods kind of remind me of the woods around the carnival that I took Timmy to in this dream from a month ago.
One time in the woods I found a sort of portal that had opened up to alternate versions of the woods. I went through the portal and explored beyond the woods to the north. I walked along some power lines, and ended up on a ridge on the other side of a valley. There may have been some other people with me at that point, but I don't remember who they were. I turned around because I was somewhat worried about getting lost in these alternate dimensions, not being sure if I had passed through more portals on the way, or if they might open and close over time.
When I got back to the woods I found the portal again near my project. It sort of floated in the air like smoke, which was probably inspired by some artwork Sara had brought home from California and showed me. There was a big hand-sized dial that I could use to control which dimension I was looking into. In one of them the trees were all gray, with glowy purpe vines. I got the impression that I had done something to 'level up' and that's what made these alternate dimensions available.
Later I was at a lake with some people. We were occupying a tower that we had built right out of the water, like something I'd build in Minecraft or Satisfactory, and diving off of it. Sometimes instead of diving into the lake we'd dive into this thing that looked like a big square blue sponge, but that was indeed dive-intoable. One of the people I was with was sort of odd. He was an old man, but with the body of a young one.
There was a separate structure nearby that was a kitchen. We swam over to that and were trying to figure it out. Lots of stainless steel utensils.
* * *
There was a new Star Wars...movie. Or I was just on some space ship from Star Wars. Bernie Sanders was there, too. Except he was the Jim Henson bersion of Bernie, which was shorter and had a giant mouth and a totally different voice.
* * *
I had a 'third' job option. Third being in addition to Earth IT, Factorio, and the Johnson Health one that I'm starting on the 21st. So actually more like a fourth or second, depending if you're counting the ones I'm leaving. Anyway, this new job had already started, and it involved me working on some big airship. I was working down at the bottom in a big warehouse-like room with another person, doing something with wooden boards in and around this large box whose bottom was open to the outside.
But a lot of people were leaving the airship job, and I didn't want to be at a place that everyone was leaving. I still had the opportunity to start the other one on the 21st, and I had already managed to stay at this one until someone else quit, so I figured it was time to quit. I thought about this while looking at the airship from the HyVee parking lot.
* * *
I was on a spaceship called the "blue whale", orbiting some planet. Though in the dream the planet and the space ship kind of became one. We were de-orbiting some rocks or something that looked like big meatballs. We did this by attaching them to a big paper airplane with some ribbon and then releasing it out the window. I put some thought into which window I should look out from to best see them fall along the side of the ship/planet. I guess there was an upper/more northern window and a lower/southern one. Both of them were big wide slots in the side of the ship.
Later I was in the same ship again, but now it was parked, maybe on the ground. I was down in engineering, which was the bottom floor, which was large and warehousey, similar to the room in which I'd been working on the airship. The structure of the ship was steel, and there were big square stainless steel structural columns in the walls and in the middle of the room, but a lot of the equipment bolted to it was made of wood.
Once again I was walking around with my override panel made of pallet wood trying to find a place to put it. I asked someone "where are the override controls", and they pointed me to this futuristic swively chair with monitors and controls attached all over it (I think this chair was inspired by a similar one from the Dilbert cartoon that Dilbert had to use to fix a mainframe or something). I didn't want to bolt my override panel to that, though. So I continued looking for a place on a wall nearby.