date: 2002-08-06 (Tuesday)
description: dreams: walk through maze in building? war over lake, sun gets big and scary, swim to town with House on the Rock under roads
lj-entry-id: 198,22

dreams: walk through maze in building? war over lake, sun gets big and scary, swim to town with House on the Rock under roads - 2002-08-06 (Tuesday) - Entry 200 - TOGoS's Journal

There was this big maze that just went on and had all sorts of catwalks and things. There was something about me going backwards through it and going back to my people and I was in a resturaunt with Mom and some lady and we were going to catch the bus in 45 seconds. The lady was talking on the telephone or doing some other time-consuming thing and we told her the bus would be here in 45 seconds and she hurried up. We went and caught the bus and were looking out the window because we wanted to see Elspeth (she was supposedly pushing Heather around at the time).

There was one of those games where you give it a few quarters and then you can try to control the dumb grabby thing. Except we could open it up and take our quarters out and do it again. I was there with someone else, and they were asdkasdlkdsnsckjsn? Anyway, we had to have our skunk run through and then we had to use a weird remote to control the grabby thing, and we had a certain amount of time to do all this. I actually managed to get lots of stuffies.

We were having a war with some other folks. We were hanging out at the top of a cliff by a lake. It was like a Doom level, and at one point I was actually thinking about changing the lake to lava or something. We were pretty safe at the top of our concrete cliff. There was like a wall at the top, and we sat on top of the wall or the lake side of it. If the bad guys came to shoot at us (from the non-lake side, even though they lived across the lake), they usually missed and the guy sitting on top of the wall would get them.

             things  wall 
      |_ ....|____  |.|
       _|....._|__  |.|
      |_ ....|____  |.|
lake   _|....._|__  |.|
      |_ ....|____  |guy
       _|.... _|__  |.|
   |           |some small|
               |building  |
               |          |

Before the war we were having, I had swimmed across the lake with a couple other guys, and that's how we found out it was a lake and not an ocean. It was actually pretty small.

There were these wooden diving boards on top of the cliff, but not on the other side of the wall. You couldn't use them anymore because all sorts of other stuff had been set up and attached to the cliff there, but once or twice some guy would say "ooh can I try it?" and try to jump off before realizing that it wouldn't work, so he would jump off the board onto the long horizontal beam perpendicular to the boards and not be able to stop and fall off. I don't think they got hurt, though.

One of the bad guys made it over the wall and was trying to shoot me. All I could do was put my boot in his way while I tried to get my gun out. He was getting pretty close. I could feel a bullet going by my side.

There was a cave we were going through, and maybe it was controlled by the baddies. They released a cyberdemon in it and the cyberdemon almost killed me, but I pushed an old helicopter in front of him so he attacked that instead.

Then it was different. The lake was still there, but it was WWI and everyone was a bunch of kids (my age and younger). It was like a school campus, and there were certain buildings we were defending (1 2 and 3). Someone made a decision that we would only defend a certain two buildings (1 and 2) that were rather hard to defend and caused us a lot of casualties and one kid (reminds me of Tallis) got kinda upset about that.

   Eb?    Eb?    Eb?

      Eb         Gb3

   Gb4                  Gb2

  Gb6         lake

(Buildings 5 and 6 were our home base, and Ebs are the enemy's buildings)

Then we decided we'd just all go to building 4 (which was a funny little green building) and not take any weapons or anything. I wasn't sure how that would work. There was this one girl that I walked by twice on the way there, and I figured it must have been a special effect.

Then we were watching the trucks come and go with all their supplies and caskets. I went driving with a couple people and we were down by a river and the road with the trucks going by was up on a cliff next to the river. Someone said something about all those kids being dead now, and I started weeping uncontrollably. There was something about the Big Bang that was supposed to happen the next day or something, and it was going to be really exciting.

So the next day we were driving around in a van. I was sitting in the front passenger seat, and some tall guy was sitting behind me holding a confederate flag out the window (it wasn't a real confederate flag, it was some weird thing with colored bars that were shorter than we were used to them being). I was thinking about running over to the enemies with a white flag and getting this whole mess straightened out so we wouldn't have to fight anymore. I noticed that the Sun appeared larger than usual, and figured that was an effect of the Big Bang thing.

We drove to some beach. I was looking at the Sun and noticed that it was actually growing faster and faster. I thought/said "oh crap, this is what they didn't know about! We're all going to die!". Everyone else got back in the van to go somewhere, but me and 2 or 3 other guys jumped in the water and started swimming, just for the heck of it. We had to go under a low bridge, and then we were in a canal in a town. We climbed up out of the water onto a bridge and walked around a little bit. We went to the far side of the town (where the ocean really started, I guess) and looked at the Sun again. It started shrinking, and then just faded away leaving the regular Sun just where it should be. "Oh, it was just pretending to be really huge!". We then started walking back trying to find the river which we came in on. Instead, we found an entrance to the House on the Rock. So we went in there. I had some kid with me, and he did some funny trick to get past the ticket lady, even though we had our tickets. Then I went into this garage where there was this guy who I knew who was still working there. "Just call me Piani," he said, since he was a pianist.

I woke up and didn't do much. I walked down to Cub to buy english muffins for Mom to make dinner with (did I mention that we had yummy waffles last night? or was it the night before...?) I went for a run in the evening, getting back at 10:30 or something. Jon was over.