date: 2000-08-19
content-type: text/html
description: Cave maze w/ R2D2 dream
lj-entry-id: 136,236

Cave maze w/ R2D2 dream - 2000-08-19 - Entry 18 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night I had a dream that I was helping a bunch of chuckens and a pig escape from some place with a razor wire fence. Then I went running down this path on the side of a hill thru a forest. Then I ended up in this big long cave, where a guy was spraying some flammable liquid on me. Then I ended up (way down near the bottom of the cave) at some weird party. Then R2D2 came and took me through a long tunnel and I designed a funny shaped planet. Some friends of mine were there with me and they designed funny shaped planets too. Then I had to show them how I got there. It turned out the way I had taken was longer than any of the ways they had taken. We had to tunnel out of a golf course or something.