Dreamt that:
- There was a setting in Factorio to set vision range when creating a multiplayer game. I thought maybe if I set the vision distance to be much smaller then I could make a world that was more like an adventure game.
- Map of woods, ice skating rink? whatever
- I was on my way to work on my bike, and over the beltline bridge, instead of the bike path, there were some quiet neighborhood roads with sidewalks that I would travel along. I got distracted by a bunch of sticks ang logs along the road. Some of them across the road, so needed to be moved anyway, but I was picking them up to take them home to burn. There are some with blue tape on them, which I recognize as having been put there by me in the past. "Wouldn't it be cool if I re-used these exact same sticks" I thought. Maybe the plan was to turn the larger ones into cat furniture, because I was way to excited about the idea for it to just be about burning. I got the largest blue-tape-tagged log and lifted it onto my shoulder. I didn't want to try carrying more than that, so I turned around. It was late and getting cold so I decided going into work wasn't going to happen. An ambulance cart passed by.