date: 2016-01-31 (Sunday)
subject: Due to weather conditions there shall be no ski rental today.

Due to weather conditions there shall be no ski rental today. - 2016-01-31 (Sunday) - Entry 1416 - TOGoS's Journal

I've had a whole bunch of dreams over many nights that I thought would be good to write about but never got to. Most recently was one where I and Pitt and one other person from EIT were moderating a Republican presidential debate. We and all the other contestants were in agreement that we didn't like Donald Trump.

Becky and I threw a well-received Bernie crafting party last night, and now I need to prepare for my and Renee's trip to Florida. But I don't really know how to do that so I'm going to do dishes and take a shower instead.

In other news, I got kissed by a girl today.
