date: 2014-08-20
subject: Armageddon rocket launchpad, diamond staircase, water park toilet
tags: bathroom-dreams

Armageddon rocket launchpad, diamond staircase, water park toilet - 2014-08-20 - Entry 1358 - TOGoS's Journal


Watching Armageddon.

There was a point where someone was on a boat on a river going towards
a rocket launchpad, which was its own small island in the middle of
the river.  The rocket was black.  I thought this part was really
well-made or something.

Inside a theater at some theme park with a crowd.  One female friend
of mine (some cross between Becky, Genya, Lindy, and my mom) was
really excited to walk up the steps, because they were arranged in a
diamond pattern, which made it easier for her to walk up them.

Later in the dream I was walking around upstairs with my girlfriend
waiting for our show to start.  Her physical appearance was more
Genya-like than Shaina-like (she was tall and skinny and had a Russian
accent), and she was wearing a long red dress, sort of matching the
color of the place we were in.  Then we started rolling around on the
floor and making out while saying how much we love each other.

I wandered out a back door into a hall with utility closets somewhat
by accident while looking for a bathroom or something.  I asked a
Janitor out there if it was okay for me to slip back in and he didn't
seem to care so I did.

There were these cooltoilets at the water park.
Or I rememered them as being cool.
Actually they were rather awkward.
The sides and door were transparent, bordered by opaque yellow
plastic, styled similar to other things you'd find in a water park.
And it was short inside; I had to crouch slightly to fit.
There was a pool of some kid's pee in the corner by the door.
There was a desk that folded down from the wall which might be handy
if you wanted to write in your journal while pooping but that was
entirely in the way when I tried to pee standing up.  It made the room
even more cramped.
The side with the toilet was up against some other structure, so was the only side 

Thinking about the style of the toilet reminds me of the Sonic 2-esque tube maze
from that one dream I had when I was like 9.  Where the heck is that documented?
Maybe I'll make a placeholder node for it.  entry:Epic_Island_Exploration_Dream