date: 2001-12-26
content-type: text/html
description: Timmay's making a mess in my room, some dreams
lj-entry-id: 180,104

Timmay's making a mess in my room, some dreams - 2001-12-26 - Entry 134 - TOGoS's Journal

This is day after Christmas. Jason left a few hours ago, but I was asleep then. Got Rollerblades and a RedHat hat and 30 CD-Rs. Also got socks. Anyway, this morning, I had some dreams:

In the first one, I was at school, and I was going to English, but I was late, and there were all these guys hanging around every doorway by every room who would stop you and take you to the police to be executed or something if you were late to class. Since I missed the bell, I turned around and was heading for a door to outside, but these guys were everywhere, so it was really hard. Finally I came to a door, but there was a security guard dude next to it, and he shot me, since according to the new constitution (newly revised by Mr. Ashcroft), they were supposed to do that.

I woke up and thouight to myself, What a jerk, then fell asleep again.

There was another dream, in which we were supposedly in Afghanistan, but it was more like Viet Nam. We were wading through swamps and stuff. Some friends came by with a huge humvy (sp?) and we got in and left.

I had a dream in which we (me and Sarah and Dawne and them guys) were sitting around watching 'Newsies', the play (ugh). We then went up on top of some hill or something, and I went down, uhhh, here:

                          Trees Here
             ____________Top of hill_________________ home->
            |               | |
            |               | |
Newsies     |               | |
Play        |               | Dude with beard
            |               | |
            |               | |
____________|               | |
                            | |               Castle?
                     Sheep    |       
                            | |

                      More sheep?

Well, we were watching the Newsies play, then went to the top of the hill, then I went down and learned about how they made chocolate from sheep fur, and there was a bald dude with a big black beard who was making himself beautiful by putting hair on his head that wasn't his. Then I was at the castle, and I was the king, and some knight guy who was a baddie was staring at me, and I was supposed to react or something so they could get my picture reacting. He was going to take over the castle, and I was supposed to try to defend it. At first I was using a real sword, but that just got people hurt, so I went and used a wrapping paper tube instead. But the guys with real swords beat us up, then. Then I was playing Quake, and was shooting at the guys in the castle. I was up on the pathway to the north, and between the pathway and the castle was a big pit about 15 or 20 feet deep, which I was shooting across/into. Then I was telling someone about how when you were not doing much physical activity, your 'beat' (not heartbeat, I don't know what I was talking about) was quick and light, but when you were running really fast (and I demonstrated - I was running along this pier thing on a tropical island, across a watery place and onto another little island at night with lots of pretty stars out. I ran by some people, it was really pretty), your 'beat' would be slower and harder.

          | |
          | |
     _____| |      Ocean       More Islands ->
 ___/     | |\
/         | | \
         / /   \
 Jungle_/ /     |
     _/ _/      |
    / _/        |
   / /          |

I then came back to the edge of the island, and since I knew I was dreaming, I thought I should be able to fly, so I started running real fast and flapping my arms. It didn't work, though. I just fell on my butt. Then I woke up.