date: 2013-10-11 (Friday)

2013-10-11 (Friday) - Entry 1331 - TOGoS's Journal

Some dreams:

Dreamt about Reknee a few nights ago.  Apparently while we were
together we had gone on some interesting adventures.  I had fond
memories of walking outside under purple skies.  One was at Elver Park
and I had always wanted to complete it.  It was similar in shape to
the real park but on a bigger scale and with steeper slopes.The west
end of the park was a ravine with a river at the bottom, and there was
a herd of elephants there.

I think Andrea showed up in the same dream, in her usual
awkward-random-encounter role.

Last night I dreamt that people in Lebanon had dug tunnels down to
bedrock and were trying to tunnel under Israel.  But the Israelis had
also tunnled down and surrounded the vertical tunnels to make them