date: 2012-09-07 13:00
subject: Cute naïveté

Cute naïveté - 2012-09-07 13:00 - Entry 1279 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreamt that there was a parking ramp out in the country a bit. You could drive off in the wrong direction from home (farther out into the 'country') and find some small towns, which I did just for kicks. Anyway, maybe this place wasn't just a parking ramp, but I was definitely driving around in the parking ramp a bit. Maybe there was a house, and I remember being in an upstairs hallway, except it was exposed to the sky. Well that's probably not too important, either. I was there with Andrea. She had all these needles stuck through her cheecks and lips and eyebrows, because that was the style. I wasn't a fan of the needles, but I found that she had done all that kind of cute in a silly girl sort of way (which was the same effect her 'eye goop' had on me the first time I met her in real life). She and I switched bodies because she wanted to go do some errands or something, and while I was in hers I went up to the bathroom and started taking out all the needles. There were a lot of them. They had been making my face really sore, and taking them out was a big relief. I figured the constant face soreness might be part of the reason she was always so crabby. She'd probably yell at me when she came back but was proceeding anyway.

In a later dream I was at church at someone's wedding (maybe Fizz's). The wedding ceremony was over and there was music playing and it was all my favorite 90s songs and I was dancing to them even though they weren't really the kind of music I'd normally be able to dance to because I was drunk. Later I was riding a bus north on Reetz and stalking Andrea on the Internet. There was one recent picture on facebook that she'd been tagged in that I could see. I couldn't do much with that.