date: 2012-06-21 21:00
subject: Cool things I did today
tags: bomb-dreams, teleportation-dreams

Cool things I did today - 2012-06-21 21:00 - Entry 1267 - TOGoS's Journal

I got restless at work and so walked around the lake. There was a lot of brown grass and some cute ducks.

I waited the rest of the afternoon for a meeting in the conference room to get out (having thought it would be over by the time I got back from my walk) so I could eat their leftover pastries. They finally got out at something like 5:30. I ate a piece of a scone and then biked home, taking the scenic route. I took some pictures of some birds and things.

I tried some alternate AR.Drone control software. It sucks. But so does the official AR.Freeflight 2.0.5. It doesn't crash when I try to take a video, anymore; it just doesn't save it 80% of the time. But at least I can take still shots, now.