date: 2012-01-22 12:00
subject: Drifting
tags: driving-dreams, music-dreams, whiteboard-dreams, charles-dreams, php-dreams

Drifting - 2012-01-22 12:00 - Entry 1242 - TOGoS's Journal

Yesterday: met Marlene for cafe hopping, still felt a bit sick in the tummy, took a nap in my office for a bit, went to the Kohl Center to assist the Ferret Nook concession stand crew, and went to Quaker Steak & Lube with Andrea for some reason.

I was driving my Geo down Tolman in slush, and decided to spin the car around and drive backwards. It all went well except that as I approached Lewon I spun back around, but then the brakes didn't slow me down enough to stop before I reached the corner and there was another car coming up Lewon, so to not hit them I just made a hard right turn. Which worked, but was scary.

Later Andrea was telling me that I really needed to get new brakes, and she was showing me how to drift in her car. We were driving around on some country road, like Raymond, and she did a few spins. Then I took control and did an even more dangerous backwards spin/right turn into a busy intersection, right in front of a bunch of cars.

Some Internet guy who is well known for something else also makes music that I like. It's like folksy trance. I was at the office playing it (this was like my old office, where I was facing the wall with the door to my left), and some beeper started going off, but I left it alone because it sounded cool with the music. There was a fan club for this guy in a white concrete block room (like the kind I used to have classes in) with an electronic white board. Later Charles from MASH was in there teaching a class about PHP. There was some code written on the board like:

package PET
object pet
end object;

I wrote in red up the right side of the board "How can use PHP packages with namespaces?" because in my dream, PHP had a concept of a 'package' from the early days that was incompatible with namespaces. Like you could make a class be part of a package, or you could namespace it, but not both, and you'd use different syntax to reference it depending how it was defined. Charles didn't seem to understand what I was saying, as if he'd never used namespaces. Next he wrote a quiz on the board (something about a 'female' design pattern, with a picture of a canyon), which I promptly tore apart.