tags: traveling-dreams
subject: Some traveling, and Captain Kirk, and Charter
date: 2010-02-01 (Monday) 11:53
lj-entry-id: 927,52

Some traveling, and Captain Kirk, and Charter - 2010-02-01 (Monday) 11:53 - Entry 1128 - TOGoS's Journal

Last night I dreamt that on the way to California we turned south from Colorado and came to a T in New Mexico. There was some stuff about the highway between there and California that was interesting; I think that that ran into some guy whom I talked to about the bridges that we were crossing.

In the next part of the dream I was Captain Kirk. I was looking out the window of a tall apartment building watching some people playing golf on a rooftop. Then I started stressing out about my Internet Company. Apparently at home I had Charter, whom I don't like at all, so I was trying to quit them and sign up with AT&T instead.

I guess those dreams aren't really that interesting. The part about driving on the highway felt cool because it reminded me of other travelling dreams, I think.