tags: travel-dreams, road-tunnel-dreams
date: 2009-02-06 11:54
subject: ocean bus route
lj-entry-id: 877,0

ocean bus route - 2009-02-06 11:54 - Entry 1074 - TOGoS's Journal

...another week passes, during which TOGoS has some interesting dreams that he would like to write down, but doesn't get around to it until he forgets most of the cool details.

The earliest dream I remember having since the dreams described earlier was about taking a bus home from Ireland. I guess it was cheaper than taking a plane, but it was also very slow and kind of scary, because it went through a long, dark tunnel under the ocean. We had to wait around a really long time at the station before the bus even showed up.

One night I had a dream that YC had an inclination to go visit Chicago again, so we took a train down there. Unfortunately we had totally forgotten to book any hotels or anything like that. At the end of the dream I was going to a Cubs game with my dad.

After a short intermission (maybe I woke up or had another dream), I was back in Chicago with YC again, and I had to catch a plane to Europe in a couple days, and I realized that I hadn't booked any ho(s)tels over there, either. I told YC we had to go find an Internet cafe quick so I could get some hotel booking done so we could at least have somehwere to stay that night.

Later I was with Mom and Dawne and YC and Dawne's kids, and we were up in some woodsy corner of the Dells. There was a snow slide attraction there that started out up on top of a hill, and then went down into a building, so we couldn't really tell where it ended. The kids went first, and I think Mom and I were the last ones to go down. It wasn't especially fast like a roller coaster or anything, but it was pretty fun. After a minute or so of twists and turns it let us out in my parents' basement, which was a mid-way point where you had to go around and find some clues and solve a puzzle before you could do the second part of the slide. I met up with Mom and we were trying to figure out what to do next in the green bedroom.

More recently I had a dream that I was in Florida. Maybe it was a work trip, or maybe a vacation. YC was with me, and we were visiting some water park. The most fun rides there required a few extra dollars, so I was paying it so me and YC could go on them. YC was telling me how sweet I was for taking her on the special rides .

Last night I dreamt that we were going to go camping and had to pack some bottles of water. I found a couple of really old bottles of water that I had kept stashed since about 8th grade. YC didn't think it was a good idea to drink them, and I wasn't too sure either, but I did a small taste test, and even put some through a cheap water testing machine we had, which said the water was just fine.

Then I had a dream that I was running around a grassy park. There was a hill there where a lot of my classmates from Spring Harbor were hanging around and playing guitars. And they had gone off now and left their guitars, so me and Devin and Mike Lafky were stacking them up and putting them on carts to take back to school.