tags: flying-dreams, obama-dreams, kayak-dreams, flying-machine-dreams
date: 2008-11-24 11:32
subject: Water Tower Break
lj-entry-id: 869,95

Water Tower Break - 2008-11-24 11:32 - Entry 1063 - TOGoS's Journal

I dreamt last night that Obama was in downtown Madison giving a talk about all the different people he was appointing to this and that. One of his top advisors was an upright zebra. I thought that was pretty cool that we had a president who could talk to upright zebras. There were also some elephants and pandas and things, and I thought about how strange it was that all the other animals could talk to and understand eachother, but humans couldn't even understand other humans all that well. So I was real proud of Obama for being able to do that.

YC and I were walking along in Fitchburg, and she pointed out the water tower to me. It was a new water tower - the old one near Allied Drive had been taken down and this one replaced it. I was thinking about the old water tower, and then YC started getting real nervous and pulling on me. I looked up and realized that the water tower was starting to fall apart, so we were running to try to get uphill. There were other people ahead of us who were already at the top of a hill between some farm fields and they were running even somewhere else. The water tower broke open and all sorts of water started spilling out and it reached us before we could get to the hill and swept us downhill and into some woods. There were other people around who were also being swept down the hill. I was holding onto YC, and trying to grab onto trees so that we wouldn't fall over a cliff that was coming up and land on a bunch of rocks below, by the lake. I wasn't having any luck grabbing trees, but right as we were about to go off the cliff, I saw some trees sticking out horizontally over to the left with a bunch of sticks and some other people piled onto them, and I jumped into them. Then I couldn't find YC. I thought I had carried her with me when I jumped. Fizz's mom was there.

I came back to the apartment, and Ian was moving in where YC used to be. Obama was moving in next door with the upright zebra and Saddam Hussein. I couldn't imagine how anyone could put up living with Saddam. I think Ian and Atticus and I had a boat that we took out on the lake.

There was also something about a bunch of kids that were taking over Wal-Marts and trying to find ninjas to help them on their quest. They found this one guy with a plastic nose and a tattoo. People were acting very strange ever since the water tower disaster that killed off about half the population.

Earlier in the week I had a dream that I was at some water park out in the country. It was on a road that came to a dead end, and there was a shuttle bus that ran on that road. Some farmers there would, upon being asked for directions, hand you a map with pictures of cows on it and laugh at you, since it was really impossible for anyone to get lost, since there was only one road and one way to go on it. But somehow that shuttle bus would take you to parallel universes sometimes, and that would get really confusing.

While I was biking around the country side one windy day (I may have been going home from work or some warehousy building) I found out that I could fly by attaching squares of cardboard diagonally to the front of my feet and facing into the wind. I went home to my parents' house and was trying to show this to other people. I ended up at a basketball game with a really dense crowd (you could crowd surf over them standing up), where I was trying to show off my new technology. I think I had a friend there who was impressed, but nobody else was paying any attention.

Speaking of flying around in the wind, there was another dream I had several weeks ago that I thought I already wrote down, but can't find. In that dream I was taking air kayak lessons from some hoofers. An air kayak was just like a regular kayak, except it had a bunch of milk bottles full of air attached to the sides. I was floating around daydreaming, and found myself flying around way up in the clouds. At that point I figured I'd better come back down quickly, since they told me we were supposed to hang around near the ground. Also, I didn't want to float too far away from Madison, because I could too easily get lost that way. I made it back down successfully and someone told me to be more careful next time.