date: 2001-07-09
content-type: text/html
description: Shanie+Wendy, dreams, SpookShare, Taugher's goin g to Turkey party, at which I drank 5 cans of soda
lj-entry-id: 170,97

Shanie+Wendy, dreams, SpookShare, Taugher's goin g to Turkey party, at which I drank 5 cans of soda - 2001-07-09 - Entry 101 - TOGoS's Journal

Last week Shanie and Wendy were here. That was fun. Mark Adams ( is interested in SpookShare, and he found a free web hos that does CGI for me, and we're working on making that work. My ISP is being stupid again and only giving me 30 mins a day. I'm working on that, too - I've mailed them a copy of the check they endorsed but say they didn't get.

I've been having lots of interesting dreams lately, but have been too lazy to write any of them down. This afternoon I had a dream that I was in Turkey and the Taliban was coming to get me and some girl was helping my hide. I also had a dream in which I was rowing a canoe in Lake Wingra and the river connecting it to Menona, and I was waking up and couldn't move and Dad was there helping me wake up (he wasn't really, I don't think).

Oh yeah - I went to Taugher's going-away to Turkey party and Kris was there. That was fun. Poofy.